So as adorable as all the content I’ve gathered here is, pace yourself, my dears.

If you’re new to this sort of thing, I’m gonna give you a tip that is usually learned the hard way: you can only have one baby outfit per gender in your game at once. Yes, in order to dress your Sim baby in clothes of your own choosing, the originals must be forgotten. There is really only one choice if you want to move away from those monkeys and butterflies, and that’s to find custom content to override the defaults. Who doesn’t after a while? Where’s the individualism, right?

In fact, you’ve probably gotten sick of seeing those same darn outfits over and over. Green onesie with a monkey for boys, yellow onesie with a butterfly for girls. If that’s not sad enough, they are also permanently in one outfit. Technically they’re objects – very needy ones, but objects nonetheless – and as such are forever tied down to their bassinet. Thankfully modders are always making solutions to these problems. New mods appear all the time on ModTheSims which has long been the go to hub for creators every week. NOTE: All skins are default, meaning you can only use one. Sims 4 CC s The Best Replacement Baby Skin and Clothing by Arte Della V Skins of Baby Set 6 at Nathalia Sims via Sims 4 Updates Sims 4 Mods. i also saw clare siobhan had this issue in her recent not so berry challenge.Poor Sims 4 babies. I showcase some of the best baby skin replacements Ive seen, along with a few cribs, kids toy conversions from The Sims 3 and 2 mods. i also have mccc, ui cheats and SOL but made sure to update them all so i’m not sure why i’m having this issue. I don’t have any default skin replacements in my game just cc like hair and clothes etc. Please describe the patch or change you made. Custom Content or Mods? Yesĭid this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes Compatible (But not required) with the wool onesies from the stuff pack Nifty KnittingWith this stuff pack you can Knit and change newborn’s outfits. Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. More Realistic Baby Default Skins for Human & Alien. this has been happening for me since the recent update on skin tones What do you expect to see? well the baby shouldn’t change colour, and it’s not the correct tone. What happens when the bug occurs? my baby is very dark skinned with two light- medium skinned parents, when the parents interact with the baby it changes to what i assume is it’s correct colour as it’s much lighter. Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? have a baby, interact with it and it’ll glitch What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? get to work, get together, city living, island living, discover university, all game packs but jungle adventure i think and a few stuff packs What is your current game version number? latest update How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) More Realistic Baby Default Skins for Human & Alien. Which language are you playing the game in? English